Quisiera disculparme por adelantado por las fotos, desafortunadamente mi cámara es una convencional, así que no puedo darles la calidad que las fotos de un blog deberían tener. Sorry!
Hello to everyone! For this week im in Bariloche, an argentinean city in the Patagonia. The city is wonderful! you can find beautiful architecture, a lot of clothes made of leather, great accesories and very delicious food (lots of chocolate, kuchen and another delicatessen.)
So, if one day you have the option to come here, i definitly say: come. :)
Para mi atuendo, esta vez jugué con el color de mi chaqueta Ralph Lauren y el morado de mi pañuelo además de los tonos morados, verdes, amarillos y azules de mi polera Umbrale. (No miren las zapatillas, en calzado prioricé la comodidad no la belleza :/).
For my tourist outfit, this time i played with the colors of my Ralph Lauren jacket and my scarf, beside the tones of my shirt from Umbrale, a chilean etnic brand. (Dont look the snickers, this time i prefered confy shoes instead pretty ones).
Centro cívico.
Coffee for the cold. Terrible terrible quality, sorry guys!.
Besitos a todas!
Well that was my first day on the city. I`ll keep uploading photos of the other days.